At Bags of
Delivery time details are outlined below (note: these are not the same as production times) Bags of Love does not continue production or dispatch work over the weekend except at Christmas and other busy events.
Last orders - 19th
Bags of Love uses FedEx, DHL, TNT or similar service as our default delivery option. We suggest this service as it includes package tracking and
If we dispatch after
Please note: Most parcels will require a signature upon delivery.
Bags of Love is happy to offer worldwide shipping with customs duties paid for most countries. If you are placing your order from outside the UK and would like delivery to your country please check if Bags of Love offers a corresponding international website to avoid potential charges. These can be found in the footer section of our website.
If your Bags of Love order is to be delivered outside the UK or one of our corresponding international sites, you may incur additional charges beyond our control. This could be non-reclaimable customs tax as well as administration fees. We advise checking the specific customs or import duty policies for your delivery country.
When there are adverse weather conditions, deliveries to some parts of the country can be affected. To minimize delays we work closely with FedEx, DHL, TNT. When your order is dispatched, we will inform you of which courier was used. Information and updates regarding delivery services can be found on FedEx, DHL, TNT websites.